Tag Archives: RTK

2016: No Fireworks or Parade


Officials say Pottstown Fourth of July events won’t happen this year

Today’s’ POTTSTOWN Mercury. 

Pockets Out

Here We Go Again

Six weeks out and the annual hand-wringing, face-palming, finger-pointing begins.

The Committee says “Oh NO! We need money!”.  The Borough responds “Can’t you read?”

Read this morning’s Mercury article. 

The Committee Letter.

The current committee has proved itself unequal to the task of providing this event and unifying area residents.  The Official website provides no particulars on finances other than announcing fundraisers.

Instead of the committee petitioning the individual council members, why not publish the contact information of the committee  members.  Some may have something to say.

Video and Pics From 2014 Parade

Courtesy of the Mercury

PIctures of Runners in the 5K courtesy of Tom Carroll

Pictures from the Mercury that you can buy

Storify coverage of the Parade.


Megan Remick has been crowned 2014 Homecoming Queen

Here is a video courtesy of reporter Frank Otto

Here is further coverage from the Pottstown Mercury

Where Do We Go From Here?

Second year without Fireworks in Pottstown borough.  Many opinions have been offered, and some sincere folks made a Power Point slideshow. Four queen contestants have worked hard to reverse this situation.

Please express your sincere wishes, and SHARE this poll.  Keep the comments clean.  This will serve as a testament of your commitment to your town.

The results will be posted next week, and offered to local media.



Red White & Blue Ribbon Panel Meets

Red White & Blue Ribbon Panel Meets

Mercury report about the committee asking for assistance.